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Accountability Club

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Are you ready for change? Tired of feeling stuck? Behind? Frustrated with your current results? Ready to complete what you have started? Change your reality? Upgrade your results?

Accountability Club was designed after years of working one-on-one with career-driven women and creative entrepreneurs who desire more alignment, fun, and—let’s be frank—money in their lives! This community offers a structured and supportive environment where you can set clear goals, stay focused, and achieve the success you've been striving for.

Whether you're looking to advance in your career, launch a new project, or simply bring more joy and balance into your life, our Accountability Club provides the tools, strategies, and community support you need to turn your aspirations into reality. Join us and transform your dreams into accomplishments!

What To Expect

What should I expect by joining Accountability Club?


Biweekly Accountability calls covering our personal goals, tools for achieving them and highlights from assigned reading. 

A community of forward-focused, solution-oriented, heart-centered, personal-development-loving, bad ass women to lift you up and cheer you on.

A monthly newsletter containing...

  • A New set of journal prompts sent the first Sunday of the month

  • A monthly theme of focus,

  • Your upcoming club meeting dates & Zoom links,

  • additional resources such as guided meditations, affirmations & a special Guest Expert!

Monthly themes

Fall-Winter 2024:

October | Identity, Thoughts About Yourself & Setting The Intention

November | Intention Implementation through Aligned Habits, Routines

December | Communication, Relationships & Setting Boundaries

January | Consistency, Moving Through Resistance & Bouncing Back from Setbacks

What you will learn:

  • The alignment checklist, created by Life Coach Nandi Camille 

  • How to manage your mind and make decisions from an intuitive, aligned and empowered place 

  • How to speak up in an aligned, direct and kind manner that allows you to be clear about your wants, say no to what is not serving you, navigate hard conversations and ask for what you really want/need 

  • How to spot and re-write limiting beliefs that are no longer serving you using mindset and mindfulness based coaching techniques 

  • How to incorporate new ways of thinking about money, abundance and calling in new levels/lifestyles when you are ready to expand beyond your current reality 

  • How to form doable habits that stick!

  • How to move through resistance when it shows up and how to bounce back from failure when it occurs! (And not be afraid of it!)

  • Exclusive workshop from Guest Expert


What you will walk away with: 

  • A new community of empowerment-minded women to keep you accountable for life

  • An understanding of what it means for you to be in alignment versus out of alignment, and how to recalibrate 

  • Tools for bouncing back from setback, navigating hard conversations and becoming your most confident self

  • A plan for your goals and how to accomplish them in a way that feels holistic, proactive and fun! 

  • Practice stating aloud and following through on your desires, goals and to-do list 

  • The confidence to continue working towards your ideals, with our without your accountability crew!

  • Proof that you can follow through on your hard goals, create routines that stick and find like-minded humans who get it!



Tuesday Nights | 6:30 pm MDT

8 Live Sessions (Held over Zoom)


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Payment & Packages:

All packages include:

Monthly newsletter with journal prompts

 Bi-weekly accountability + coaching calls

24/7 Community Access


$110.00/month (4 monthly payments)


$400.00 in full

Accountability + Coaching Calls & Monthly Newsletter


$330.00/month (4 monthly payments)


$1,250.00 in full

Accountability + Coaching Calls & Monthly Newsletter PLUS

4 - 30 minute Personal Life Coaching Sessions

VIP Plus

$770.00/month (4 monthly payments)


$2,990.00 in full

Accountability + Coaching Calls & Monthly Newsletter PLUS

4 - 60 minute Personal Life Coaching Sessions

"No Such Thing As Behind" Sweatshirt

"No Such Thing As Behind" Notebook

Grow Your Vision

Initially, I connected with Nandi for help building a business. What I received far exceeded my expectations! When I judged myself, she taught me to celebrate myself for being aware of who I’m not! When I felt misaligned, she provided me with tools that brought me back to who I’ve always been. When I doubted myself, she helped me remind myself of how worthy and capable I am of achieving my goals. No words can truly express my gratitude for Nandi and how she has changed my life. I am now the proud owner of my own LLC, actively taking clients as a Spacial Life Coach, and am literally seeing my dreams unfold before my eyes. 

- Elle McClain, Spacial Life Coach & Interior Designer

What this client had to say...

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