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Writer's pictureNandi

Crafting An Expectant Heart

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know if? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

Building an expectant heart. What does that mean? Expectant for what?

For everything your heart yearns for and more. Now, we could get specific; dream of the newest red Tesla being in your possession, becoming a YouTube sensation and living on the beach part time, but what is it that we really want and yearn for? Personal peace, career fulfillment and financial comfort. At least that’s true for me. What is in your top five? What do you hope to achieve in this life? What is it that would make you look back and smile in your old age?

Once you’ve identified what your soul craves, your life mission, what your strive for, you need to believe in it. Believe past it. Know without a doubt that God has plans for you to prosper. With that, we must also understand that our specific dreams and God’s intentions may not align and with that, we have to be okay with change, knowing that it is in the direction of our betterment. Trust the process. We are earnestly and constantly evolving as woman in business; learning about ourselves, our personal brand, and how to craft it all into a masterpiece.

Don’t doubt yourself. You are far more capable than you know. Confident in your ability? You still may have no idea what lies ahead of you with hard work, prayerful steps and dedication to your personal mission. When you question your ability to make the unimaginable happen, know that you have a miracle making God behind you, cheering you on and lovingly caring for you daily.

Go to prayer when you don’t know where to turn next. Whether you’re confused, frustrated, feeling low, split between two paths… whatever it is. Give. It. To. Him. Don’t carry that nonsense around, lift it up and let it go. The answer will come; keep on your path, and when He is ready to reveal His plan, He will. Our timing is not the same as His and once we are in accord with Him, knowing truly that all will play out beautifully, oh my goodness the peace you will receive.

Having an expectant heart simply equates to knowing that you can, you will, and God has your back. Not only does He have your back, but He plans on taking you so far past all you can imagine; just hand Him the keys, and trust the process.

Craft that expectant heart girl, and let it unravel.

Stay faithful,


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